شريط الأخبار
  1. بلدية نابلس: جدول توزيع المياه
  2. الصيدليات المناوبة في نابلس الجمعة
  3. الصيدليات المناوبة في جنين الجمعة
  4. أسعار صرف العملات
  5. نتنياهو حصل على ما يريده في صفقة القطاع
  6. الطقس: انخفاض على درجات الحرارة
  7. 3 إصابات بالرصاص في مخيم عسكر
  8. اعتقال 5 مواطنين من قرية حارس
  9. وفاة مواطن بحادث دعس شمال شرق القدس
  10. اتفاق القطاع.. أنباء عن حل جميع الخلافات العالقة
  11. تعميم بشأن السفر عبر الجسر يوم الجمعة
  12. سموتريتش لنتنياهو: لن ننسحب بشرط أن تلتزم كتابيا بأننا سنعود للحرب
  13. إسرائيل: لا اتفاق حاليا وسنواصل سيطرتنا في القطاع
  14. اعتقال 3 شبان من قرية الفندق
  15. مصطفى يبحث خطط الإغاثة الطارئة للقطاع
  16. ماسك يهنئ بيزوس على الإطلاق الناجح لصاروخ "نيو غلين"
  17. الرئيس يلتقي رئيسة اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر
  18. قلقيلية: السجن المؤبد 15 عاماً لمدان بزراعة نباتات مخدرة
  19. الاتحاد الأوروبي يعلن عن مساعدة بقيمة 120 مليون يورو للقطاع
  20. مسؤول كبير يكشف "نية" إسرائيل في محور فيلادلفيا

مطلوب أخصائي تطوير المنتجات

آخر موعد للتقديم هو 18.01.2025.

الوصف الوظيفي:
The Product Development Specialist (PDS) is a short-term assignment and will be commissioned by Small Enterprise Center (SEC) to help in developing new agro-food products in Ethiopia. The PDS will be required to conduct orientation, conduct testlab, recipe development, evalaute new products, collaborate with cross-fucntional team, engage with ponteital clietns and other stakeholders, provide feedback and revision on product development ideas, as well as help in integrated teams prepare for product launches.

The Small Enterprise Center (SEC) Association is recognized as a leading international non-profit organization based in Palestine founded in 2002 with a mission to promote growth of regional and international MSMEs and social enterprises. SEC focuses its work to render MSMEs and social enterprises as main contributors to economic growth, alleviating poverty, and attaining gender equality. It focuses on enabling policies for the establishment and growth of MSMEs and social enterprises adopted by relevant stakeholders. Moreover, SEC focuses to improve the MSMEs and social enterprises competitiveness in the local and international markets. Finally, SEC promotes the engagement of youth and women entrepreneurs in MSMEs.

Within the framework of “Job Partnership Promotion of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Project in Ethiopia: Agro-food Sector / GIZ, SEC and GIZ are working together in Ethiopia to deliver innovative solutions needed to overcome the challenges of unemployment in Ethiopia. The Project is designed to improve economic competitiveness of Ethiopian agro-food processors in the local and international markets through building technical capacities of MSMEs on export promotion. The project aims to increase unemployed, interested, committed and dedicated MSMEs access to technical skills, product development, and business network and market linkages with international investors and traders.

Therefore, SEC is seeking qualified expert to help in developing new agro-food products for the Ethiopian companies.


The Product Development Specialist will be responsible for the development of three agro-food products based on the SEC team recommendations.

The Product Development Specialist will work closely with the SEC’s marketing department to obtain feedback and make due changes on the newly developed products, and he/she will report directly to the Project Manager.  

Specifically, the Product Development Specialist will work closely with SEC team in Palestine and Ethiopia to:

Agree and follow up on the new agro-food products to be developed with SEC team in terms of the products specification, feature, characteristics, etc.
Lead Product Development functions for specific categories/sub-categories. Work independently to move projects through the process to meet the assigned goals. Include using his /her own faciliaties and equipment and raw materials to work on agro-food product development (lab work).
Responsible for identifying, creating and refining specifications for line extensions by developing multiple profiles/options for the concept and using a methodical approach to narrow down to the best alternatives.
Develop the initial recipe (documented) of the three new products includes proper documentation.
Be responsbile for conducting all labtest needed for the new products developed
Communiate with clients, sakeholders in Ethioipia and SEC staff in Ramallah to get their feedback on the new developed product
Revise formulation based on customer and associate feedback from sensory events, in-store tests, and sales and profitability data in order to improve customer satisfaction.
Integrate the comments and feedback by stakeholders and partners and develop the recipe of the new products
Develop a prototype of the new products
Compare and communicate sample feedback based on ingredient attributes from the manufacturing process to team & vendor partners.
Collaborate cross-functionally through each stage of the Product Development Process.
Maintain all project details for assigned categories including quality control checks, portioning, spec development and product specifications.
The shelf-life of the new product has to be at least 12 months.
Submit the datebase recipe document include all ingrediatnes and spcficiation.

Product development plan
Two days orientation on the importance product development for the target groups.
Lab testing and recipe development for three products
Stakeholder engagement & feedback collection
Prototype finalization & quality control
Technical report and product specifications document
Submission of a final technical report
Conducting a final presentation for SEC and key stakeholders, summarizing the product development journey, challenges, findings, and recommendations.

The Product Development Specialist is expected to be a professionally mature individual, with a strong service orientation and the ability to function with considerable independent initiative, managerial skill, and sound judgment.
متطلبات الوظيفة:
Basic Requirements:

Degree in Food Science or Culinary Arts, Certified Research Chef, or related field preferred.
At least 5 years of experience using a formal product development process or equivalent master’s degree field.
Experience with beverage development preferred
Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite.
Willing and able to work virtually and to travel on official business when required.
Must be flexible to work irregular schedules in order to accommodate coordination with global partners and team members across varying time zones.
Essential Functions:
Ability to work well individually as well as in a team environment
Excellent oral and written communication skills
Excellent customer service skills
Ability to work with little or no supervision
Detail oriented and strong organizational skills
Strong analytical and problem solving skills
Ability to handle multiple projects
Excellent interpersonal skills
Proven self-starter with demonstrated ability to make decisions
Solid leadership skills
Ability to evaluate and make recommendations on products or processes based on their sensorial attributes

Location: at least 3 days in Ethiopia, and the rest of the assignment could be from country home
Duration: The contract period will be for a period of four months.
Level of effort: The expected level of effort is 20 working days.
تفاصيل الوظيفة:
المسمى الوظيفي: Product Development Specialist
آخر موعد للتقديم: 18.01.2025.
المكان: الشرق الأوسط والعالم (Ethiopia)
نوع الوظيفة: العقود والاستشارات
المستوى المهني: متوسط الخبرة
الدرجة العلمية: البكالوريوس
الخبرة: 5 سنوات
التصنيف: الإدارة والأعمال
آلية التقديم:
Please send your technical & financial proposal and CV to the following email:
No later than January 18th, 2025.

2025-01-11 || 17:18


مطلوب معلمي رياضيات في مدرسة بكالوريا الرواد بنابلس

مطلوب موظفين للعمل بدوام كامل وجزئي

مطلوب موظفة مبيعات

مطلوب موظف/ ة سوشال ميديا في نابلس

وظائف شاغرة في جامعة النجاح

وظائف شاغرة في عدة تخصصات

تدريب مدفوع الأجر.. مطلوب أخصائيين نطق، أخصائيين علاج وظيفي، تربية خاصة

وظائف شاغرة في جامعة النجاح

وظائف شاغرة في سوبر ماركت

وظائف شاغرة في مطعم

مطلوب مندوب مبيعات

مطلوب مهندسين

مطلوب موظفة MIS

وظائف شاغرة في رام الله

وظائف شاغرة في مخبز

وظائف شاغرة في شركة

وين أروح بنابلس؟

2025 01

يكون الجو بارداً إلى شديد البرودة، خاصة في المناطق الجبلية، وغائماً جزئياً إلى غائم، ويطرأ انخفاض طفيف على درجات الحرارة، وتتراوح في نابلس بين 17 نهاراً و9 ليلاً.

17/ 9

أسعار العملات

الدولار الأمريكي الدينار الأردني اليورو الأوروبي
3.61 5.09 3.72